Over 80 Jubbaland forces join Federal Troops in Raskamboni to combat al-Shabab militants..

The Federal Government stated that the Federal Troops arriving in Raskamboni over the past two days will secure areas vacated by the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) while continuing efforts to dismantle al-Shabab’s presence in *** SII AKHRI ***

Maxaa Ka Dhab ah In Ciidamada Puntland ay Gadood ka Sameeyeen Guluf ay Qaadi lahaayeen & Sababta..

Wararka naga soo gaaraya Degaanka Carmo ee Gobolka Bari ayaa sheegaya in Kala shaki uu soo kala dhex galay Xoogag hubeysan oo maalmihii ugu dambeeyay lagu uruurinaayay Dugsiga Tababarka Boliiska ee Degaanka Carmo kuwaasoo loo sheegay iney la Dagaala*** SII AKHRI ***

Abaabul Ciidan & Dagaal Laga Cabsi qabo inuu ka Qarxo Degaanka Xadka ee Raskambooni…

Kadib markii ay soo shaac baxday in Wasaarada Gaashandhigga ee Dowlada Federaalka ay ilaa 4-Duulimaad Diyaaradeed ay ku daabushay Degaanka Raskambooni Ciidamo isku jira Guutooyinka Gorgor iyo Haramcad kuwaasoo ku biiray kuwo horey Degaankaasi ugu su*** SII AKHRI ***

Federal Government Rejects Jubbaland Election, Orders Legal Action Against Ahmed Madobe..

The Federal Government of Somalia has issued a strong rebuke to the election held today in Kismayo that re-elected Ahmed Mohamed Islam for a third term as the leader of Jubaland. In an emergency cabinet meeting convened shortly after the election re*** SII AKHRI ***

Chinese Defense Minister Rebuffs Austin’s Request For Military Talks Over Taiwan Support

China’s military has once again blamed Washington for the breakdown of talks, with the Chinese Defense Ministry blasting US support to Taiwan as the reason for Chinese defense chief Dong Jun rebuffing a direct request for dialogue from US Secretary*** SII AKHRI ***